Install Java 11, xpm, toolchains and debugging tools.



The main prerequisite to run the Eclipse Embedded CDT is Java. Generally Java is not available by default on most platforms, and requires a separate installation.

Other tools

Here is a list of other tools/packages that need to be installed before starting Eclipse.

  • node/npm/xpm - although not mandatory by Eclipse itself, it is highly recommended to use xpm (the xPack Project Manager, which is a Node.js portable CLI application) to install various build tools (the Hello World Arm/RISC-V QEMU xPack project template mandates it)
  • make - the CDT managed build uses make for all builds;
    • macOS: the make utility is included with the Command Line Tools, which can be installed via Xcode or directly through terminal commands;
    • GNU/Linux: the make utility is typically available as part of the development packages provided by the specific Linux distribution (e.g., via apt for Debian-based systems or yum for Red Hat-based systems);
    • Windows: The make utility is not natively included and must be installed separately. It can be obtained by installing the xPack Windows Build Tools;
  • Arm Embedded GCC toolchain - to build Arm projects, an Arm toolchain like the xPack GNU Arm Embedded GCC is required;
  • RISC-V Embedded GCC toolchain - similarly, for RISC-V projects, a RISC-V toolchain like the xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC is required;
  • SEGGER J-Link - to debug projects, a JTAG probe is necessary together with the software to access it, for example the SEGGER J-Link software;
  • OpenOCD - for some boards, xPack OpenOCD might also be useful;
  • QEMU Arm - to run debug sessions without actual hardware, the xPack QEMU Arm emulator is necessary (the blinky tutorial mandates it).
  • QEMU RISC-V - similarly, the xPack QEMU RISC-V emulator is useful to run RISC-V application (the Hello World RISC-V tutorial mandates it).

Install Java

The following section covers the common Windows/macOS/Linux platforms; for a wider range of platforms, see the Alternate solutions below.

Current Windows distributions do not include Java.

The recommended package is the latest version from the official Oracle OpenJDK page.

Follow the Download link in the Oracle page, which currently points to

In the Builds section, download the Windows/x64 .zip file.

Create a new folder

mkdir %APPDATA%\Oracle

And extract the archive content into ...\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\jdk-20.

To set the path, in a cmd.exe terminal, issue the following:

set Path=%APPDATA%\Oracle\jdk-20\bin;%Path%
setx Path "%APPDATA%\Oracle\jdk-20\bin;%Path%"

Check version:

java --version

It is possible to install multiple versions on the same system, and choose which one to use by controlling the Path.

The current macOS releases no longer pack Java.

The recommended package is the latest version from the official Oracle OpenJDK page.

Follow the Download link in the Oracle page, which currently points to

In the Builds section, download the macOS/x64 .tar.gz file.

cd ~/Downloads
xattr -c openjdk-20_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz
tar xf openjdk-20_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz
sudo mv jdk-20.jdk/ /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/

Check version:

java --version

On recent macOS systems, this might fail or trigger a security message. To overcome this, go to System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Allow.

On macOS 10.15 the system automatically identifies the latest version installed in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ and somehow links /usr/bin/java to it.

% which java
% ls -l /usr/bin/java
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  74 Jan  2  2020 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java

How exactly it gets from here to the actual location is a bit of Apple magic.

Since it is possible to install multiple version on the same system, if you want to override this mechanism and use a different version, try to configure the user path via launchctl:

sudo launchctl config user path /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-20.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
sudo reboot

As shown above, for this configuration to become effective, it is necessary to reboot.

To check if the new path was configured properly:

launchctl getenv PATH

Please note that the above command configures only the path for the GUI applications. For shell usage, it is necessary to also set the PATH environment variable in the shell startup files (like .zprofile):

export PATH=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-20.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/:${PATH}

On most modern Linux distributions, OpenJDK is available as a package.

To check if it is already installed, ask the version:

java -version

If it is not installed, or it is not at least Java 11, install it via the package manager.

For example on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install --yes openjdk-20-jdk

Or on CentOS:

sudo yum -y install java-20-openjdk

Check your system for the available package names and versions.

However, if you cannot find at least JDK 11, install the Oracle OpenJDK.

The recommended package is the latest version from the official Oracle OpenJDK page.

Follow the Download link in the Oracle page, which currently points to

In the Builds section, download the Linux/x64 .tar.gz file.

mkdir -p ${HOME}/opt
cd ${HOME}/opt
tar xf ~/Downloads/openjdk-20_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

Then add the location to the user PATH:

export PATH=${HOME}/opt/jdk-20/bin/:${PATH}

Check version:

java --version

If your Windows Manager allows to start Eclipse with clicks in the file manager without using a shell, you might need to set the GUI path in a way specific to the window manager.

On some distributions (like Ubuntu) this can be achieved via ~/.xsessionrc, sourced from one of the files in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/.

It is possible to install multiple versions on the same system, and choose which one to use by controlling the PATH.

It is also possible to edit eclipse.ini and add a -vm option pointing to the Java bin path; be sure this option is placed before -vmargs, which should be the last one:


Alternate Java distributions

For those who prefer alternate solutions, the second recommendation goes to AdoptOpenJDK which provides prebuilt OpenJDK binaries for an even wider range of platforms.

Install node/npm/xpm

The next step is to install the xPack tools.

For full details, please follow the steps in the separate install pages:

For convenience for those who already know what this means, below is a brief.

For macOS and GNU/Linux, use nvm (for Windows use the .msi, as explained in the node install page):

mkdir -pv "${HOME}/Downloads/"
curl --output "${HOME}/Downloads/"
cat "${HOME}/Downloads/"

bash "${HOME}/Downloads/"


This shell script will install nvm (the Node Version Manager), node, npm and xpm.

On Windows, install make and the rest of the build tools:

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/windows-build-tools@latest

Install the toolchain and the other tools; don’t skip qemu, since it is used by the blinky tutorial; openocd may also be useful to run debug sessions; the riscv toolchain is necessary only for RISC-V projects.

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc@latest --verbose
xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/qemu-arm@latest --verbose

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/riscv-none-elf-gcc@latest --verbose
xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/qemu-riscv@latest --verbose

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/openocd@latest --verbose

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/cmake@latest --verbose
xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/meson-build@latest --verbose

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/ninja-build@latest --verbose

All xPacks are installed in a central folder in the user home; check the xpm output for the actual location.


Windows Build Tools

Briefly mentioned before as a supplementary step after installing xpm, running builds on Windows requires tools that Microsoft does not include in the base distribution and need to be installed separately.

For convenience, these tools were packed as the xPack Windows Build Tools and can be easily installed via xpm.

Discontinued 32-bit support

All recent Eclipses are 64-bit and require 64-bit platforms; using older 32-bit systems is still possible with older Eclipse versions, but is discouraged.

Eclipse Neon and up to Eclipse 2020-09

Starting with version 6.0.0, the Embedded CDT plug-ins are based on the API defined in CDT 10.0.0 and require at least Eclipse 2020-09.

The previous releases, up to 5.2.1, were based on CDT 9.2.1, which was published with Eclipse 4.6 Neon, released in 2016.

If, for any reason, you need to use an older Eclipse (like, for example, for running on a 32-bit system), be sure it includes at least CDT 9.2.1.