GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.7.1-201911052135 released
Version 4.7.1-201911052135 is a maintenance release; the main change is an enhancement in the logic to update the list of CMSIS Packs.
- c2bc99ce - [#364] Given the design of the CMSIS Packs, updating the list of known packs requires inspecting all packages, which is a lengthy operation. To improve the user experience, the cache mechanism was improved to also store the sizes of the inspected packages, making subsequent updates significantly faster.
Known problems
- none
Eclipse package
For convenience, this version of the plug-ins is also available as an Eclipse package:
- GNU MCU Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 2019-12 20190923 which packs together the 2019-12 version (Eclipse 4.14) of the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers standard distribution with the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins.