GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.3-201310290722 released
The main change is the addition of the STM32F1x template, that generates a fully configurable running sample, based on the original standard peripheral library (STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0
) from the archive.
Other changes since the previous version:
- Sourcery build tools for windows had wrong names; renamed to cs-make, cs-rm
- the toolchain path can include macros now, they are properly expanded before being added to the environment
- the “Include files (-include)” option was added to all compiler tools, to allow the inclusion of additional files
- the IDs of the options that define the include paths were inconsistent; fixed, now called “.include.paths” instead of “*.includepaths” (Warning: this might require an update of the projects created with the previous versions of the plug-in; see the FAQ page)
- the IDs of the options that enable the generation of the assembler listing were inconsistent; fixed, now called “.asmlisting” instead of “.lstfilename” (Warning: this might require an update of the projects created with the previous versions of the plug-in)
- in the Settings page, the tools categories previously named Directories are now called Includes.