(This article was published in the ARM Connected Community blog, on Nov 17, 2015 and republished in Element 14 (update: no longer available), EmbDev, STM32Duino, EEVBlog, ST Forum (update: no longer available) on Nov 18, 2015).


The GNU ARM Eclipse project includes a set of open source Eclipse plug-ins and tools to create/build/debug/manage ARM (32-bit) and AArch64 (64-bit) applications and static/shared libraries, using the latest GNU ARM GCC toolchains. 

ARM family and FPU type

Starting with GNU ARM Eclipse version 2.10.2, from November 2015, full Cortex-M7 support was added to the C/C++ BuildSettingsTool Settings page; it is now possible not only to select the ARM family: cortex-m7, but also to select the new specific FPU type:

ARM Family: Cortex-M7

The Hello World Cortex-M C/C++ Project wizard

The project wizard was updated to create generic Cortex-M7 projects.

Cortex-M Wizard

The STM32F7xx C/C++ Project wizard

And last, but probably the most useful, a new template to create STM32F7 projects was added.

STM32F7 Wizard

The wizard currently supports STM32F745xx, STM32F746xx, STM32F756xx, and can create blinky projects for the STM32F746_EVAL and STM32F746_DISCOVERY boards.

The created projects not only pass the build, but are ready to run on the selected boards.

More info

For more details about the GNU ARM Eclipse project, please refer to the project site https://gnuarmeclipse.github.io/.